
With CloudFormation Designer, you can view the graphic representations of resources in a stack template, and author and edit the stack template in a more visual and simple way.

Designer Interface Overview

In the navigation pane of the ZStack Private Cloud UI, choose Platform O&M > CloudFormation > Designer. Then, the Designer interface is displayed.

As shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Designer

The Designer panes and its main components are as follows:
  • Toolbar at the top

    The toolbar provides quick access to commands for common actions, such as previewing a template, generating a resource stack, and saving the diagram as a stack template.

  • Resource pool pane on the right
    The resource pool pane lists all of the template resources that you can add to your template in Designer. You can add resources by dragging them from the resource pool pane to the canvas. The supported resources are listed as follows:
    • Resource pool: VM instance, Volume
    • Network resource: L2 Network, Private Network, Public Network, VPC Network, and VPC vRouter
    • Network service: Security Group, EIP, Port Forwarding, Load Balancing, and Listener
  • Canvas pane in the middle
    The canvas pane displays the template resources as a diagram.
    • You can add resources, create relationships between resources, and arrange their layout.
    • You can undo or redo changes, remove resources, and clear the canvas. The changes that you make in the canvas automatically modify the template.
    • You can specify the details of the template such as resource properties or template parameters with the Configure Parameter button.
    • You can drag the thumbnail at bottom right to adjust the canvas pane to fit your template's diagram.
    • You can zoom in or zoom out the canvas by clicking the + or - button.

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