Environment Preparation

To encapsulate a CentOS 8 template, obtain an ISO image in advance and add it to ZStack Cloud. Notice the following points when you perform this operation:
  • You need to obtain a CentOS 8 installation image from the official website by yourself. Ensure your compliance of relevant authorizations and permissions.
  • This Tutorial references CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-DVD1.iso.
To prepare for CentOS 8 template encapsulation, follow these steps:
  1. Add an installation image.
  2. Create a disk offering.
  1. Add an installation image.

    On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > Resource Pool > Compute Configuration > Image. On the Image page, click Add Image. Then, the Add Image page is displayed.

    On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the image.
    • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the image.
    • Image Type: Select an image type. Here, select System Image.
    • Image Format: Select an image format. Here, Select iso.
    • CPU Architecture: Select a CPU architecture for the image. VM instances created from the image use this CPU architecture.
    • Platform: Select an image platform. Here, select Linux.
    • OS: Select an operating system that is consistent with the image.
    • VirtIO: Choose whether to enable VirtIO according to your actual operating system and platform. Here, enable VirtIO.
    • Image Storage: Select an image storage added before.
    • Image Path: Specify an image URL or upload a local file.
      • URL: Enter a specified URL to add an image. You can enter a URL by using either of the following syntax:
        • A URL starting with http or https:
          • Syntax: http://host[:port]/path/file or https://host[:port]/path/file.
        • A URL starting with ftp:
          • Syntax that does not specify the user: ftp://hostname[:port]/path/file.
          • Syntax that specifies the user: ftp://user:password@hostname[:port]/path/file.
        • A URL starting with sftp:
          • Syntax that specifies the user identity: sftp://user:password@hostname[:port]/path/file.
          • User-identity-free syntax: sftp://user@hostname[:port]/path/file.
        • The absolute path of an image file that is stored on an image storage. The image storage can be an ImageStore image storage.

          Syntax: file:///path/file.

        • Make sure that the URL entered is accessible to the image storage and the image file exists.
        • When using a URL that starts with stfp and does not specify user identity, make sure that you enable mutual password-free SSH login between the image storage and the SFTP server.
        • For the progress bar and resumption from breakpoints features:
          • Both ImageStore and Ceph image storage support a progress bar to display the upload progress. And both ImageStore and Ceph image storage support the resumption from breakpoints.
        • If you specify a URL with the file:/// syntax to add an image:
          • Ceph image storage does not support the file:/// syntax currently.
          • The three forward slashes (/) in file:/// represents the absolute path of a file on an image storage. For example, if you want to specify the URL file:///opt/dvd/image-1.4.qcow2, the /opt/dvd path of the image storage must contain such a file named image-1.4.qcow2.
      • Local file: Select a local image file that the current browser can access to and upload the image file to the specified image storage. The image storage that stores the image file can be an ImageStore or a Ceph image storage.
        Note: When you add a local file as an image, your local browser is serving as a transit point to upload the image. Do not refresh or close the current browser, nor stop the service of the management node. Otherwise, the operation may fail.
    • BIOS Mode: Select a BIOS mode. Here, select Legacy.
    Figure 1. Add an Image

  2. Create a disk offering.

    On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > Resource Pool > Compute Configuration > Disk Offering. On the Disk Offering page, click Create Disk Offering. Then, the Create Disk Offering page is displayed.

    On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the disk offering.
    • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the disk offering.
    • Disk Size: Set the capacity of a volume.
      Note: Select an appropriate disk size as needed. This disk size will serve to create the system disks for the CentOS 8 VM instances.
      • If you are installing a command line interface of CentOS 8, we recommend that you choose a disk size greater or equal to 40 GB.
      • If you are installing a graphical interface of CentOS 8 (GNOME), we recommend that you choose a disk size greater or equal to 60 GB.
    • Set Disk Bandwidth: Optional. Set an upper limit for the I/O bandwidth of a volume.
    • Set Disk IOPS: Optional. Set an upper limit of the disk reads/writes per second (IOPS).
    • Advanced Parameter: Optional. You can set this parameter by configuring a JSON file.
    Figure 2. Create a Disk Offering


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