Hardware Requirements

In a dual management node deployment, you use 2 servers to achieve high availability for the management nodes. This example uses x86 servers, and you can allocate CPU, memory, and disk capacity based on your business performance needs.
Device Component Model Quantity Total
Server CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz 2 2
Memory DDR4 16GB 8
Motherboard Dual-socket server standard motherboard 1
RAID Card RAID card supporting SAS/SATA RAID 0/1/10, with passthrough mode 1
SSD Intel SSD DC S3610 480GB 2
HDD 1 SAS HDD 300GB 3.5", 15k rpm 2
HDD 2 NL SAS HDD 2TB 3.5", 7.2k rpm 6
Gigabit Ethernet Port Ethernet 1GbE, RJ45 2
10 Gigabit Ethernet Port Ethernet 10GbE, SFP+ 2
Optical Module - -
Fiber HBA Card - -
Remote Management DELL iDRAC Enterprise Edition 1
Power Supply Standard power supply 1100W 2
Additionally, this setup includes 1 10 Gigabit switch, 1 Gigabit switch, and several category 5 cables.

Network Planning

You should rack and connect the aforementioned hardware servers and network devices according to the network topology.
Figure 1. Network Topology


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