Tag Management

Tags serve as markers for resources and can be assigned different tag definitions based on various business needs and purposes. By customizing and attaching tags to resources, you can quickly filter out the required resources and improve search efficiency.

In this chapter:


Before using tags, you can first understand the types of tags, which resources can use tags, and the limitations of tags.

Relationship Between Tag Administrators and User Permissions

Tags are divided into administrator tags and user tags, and you can determine their type by their owner.
  • Administrator Tags: Created by administrators and owned by administrators.
  • User Tags: Created by regular users and owned by regular users.

Administrators can unbind or delete tags created by regular users. When the ownership of a resource changes, all user tags on it will automatically be unbound, while administrator tags remain unaffected. Currently, there is no support for changing the owner of a tag.

Resources That Support Tagging

Resource Supports Tagging Supports Tagging at Creation
Host Yes Yes
Virtual Machine Yes Yes

Tag Limitations

  • Tags must be unique; users with the same role can create only one tag with the same name and color.
  • Tag names must not exceed 20 characters in length.
  • Administrator tags support binding to virtual machine and host resources, while user tags only support binding to virtual machine resources.
  • When binding resources in batches, if the owners of the selected tags belong to different users, batch binding is not supported.

Use Tag

You can follow these steps to use the tagging feature:

Create a New Tag

In ZStack ZSphere, you can create tags with different colors, simple styles, and concise definitions based on your business needs.

The platform offers multiple entry points for creating new tags. You can follow these steps to create a new tag:
  1. Navigate to Operations and Maintenance > Tag Management > Create Tag.
  2. In the Create Tag dialog, configure the following information:
    • Tag Preview: Shows the preview of the tag
    • Name: Tag name
      Note: The tag name must not exceed 20 characters in length.
    • Description: Tag description
    • Color: Tag color

After confirming that the configuration is correct, click OK to create the tag.

Manage Tags

After successfully creating a tag, you can bind the tag to specified resources or remove it from resources. ZStack ZSphere provides two types of operation entry points:
  • Bind/Unbind tags from individual resources
  • Uniformly bind/unbind resources from tags

Bind/Unbind Tags from Individual Resources

You can bind multiple tags to a single resource or unbind multiple tags, but this method can only handle one resource at a time. You can follow these steps to perform the operation:
  1. Navigate to Hosts and Virtual Machines.
  2. Right-click the target virtual machine or host, then click Tag Management.
  3. In the Tag Management dialog, add or remove tags as needed.

Uniformly Bind/Unbind Resources from Tags

You can also bind a tag to multiple resources and unbind it from multiple resources at once. You can follow these steps to perform the operation:
  1. Navigate to Tag Management.
  2. Select a tag, click its name to enter the details page, then go to the Associated Resources subpage.
  3. Bind or unbind resources for this tag as needed.
    Note: When binding resources in batches, if the owners of the selected tags belong to different users, batch binding is not supported.

If you need to modify the name, description, or color of a tag, you can click Action > Edit Tag for the tag, and modify the corresponding information as needed to successfully update the tag.

If you have determined that you no longer need a particular tag or tags, you can select the tag(s) and then click Batch Action > Delete to delete the tag(s).

Search Resources Based on Tags

You can use tags to quickly search for resources on the resource list page.
  1. Navigate to the Host or Virtual Machine subpage.
  2. Click the Tag button to the right of the search box to quickly filter resources.


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