Add Backup Storage

To use the backup feature, you need to deploy a backup storage in ZStack ZSphere to store backup data. Depending on your backup scenario, you can add local backup storage or remote backup storage.

Add Local Backup Storage

Add a local backup storage to store scheduled backup data for local virtual machines or the platform database. Local backup storage supports seamless failover to effectively ensure business continuity.

In case of accidental deletion or data corruption locally, you can restore backup data from local storage back to your local environment.

In the event of a disaster at the local data center, you can completely rely on the local backup storage to rebuild the data center and recover businesses.

You can choose any of the following methods to add local backup storage:
  • Reuse an existing image storage to store backup data. For more information, see Ruse Image Storage.
  • Reuse an existing host and utilize free capacity on the host to store backup data. For more information, see Ruse Host.
  • Add a dedicated backup storage and use free disks or local directories on the storage to store backup data. For more information, see Dedicated Backup Storage.

You can flexibly configure the number of local backup storage according to your actual business needs.

Ruse Image Storage

Reuse an existing image storage to store backup data.


  • The platform must have existing image storage resources, and these resources should be a standalone image storage that is connected and enabled.
  • The backup network has been planned in advance.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Storage.
  2. On the Backup Storage page, click Add Backup Storage.
  3. In the Select Backup Storage Addition Type dialog, select Reuse Image Storage, and then click Next.
  4. In the Add Local Backup Storage dialog, set the following parameters:
    Basic Information
    • Data Center: Display the data center where the backup storage resides.
    • Addition Method: Display Reuse Image Storage.
    Configuration Information
    • Image Storage: Select an existing image storage to be used as local backup storage.
    • Backup Storage Path: Automatically retrieves the path of the selected image storage.
    • Backup Network: The network dedicated for backups. Enter a backup network CIDR.
    • Backup Data: Choose whether to scan for existing backup data.
  5. Review the configuration and click OK.

Ruse Host

Reuse an existing host and utilize free capacity on the host to store backup data.


  • The platform must have existing host resources, and these hosts should be connected and enabled.
  • The backup network has been planned in advance.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Storage.
  2. On the Backup Storage page, click Add Backup Storage.
  3. In the Select Backup Storage Addition Type dialog, select Reuse Host, and then click Next.
  4. In the Add Local Backup Storage dialog, set the following parameters:
    Basic Information
    • Name: Name of the local backup storage.
    • Description: Description of the local backup storage.
    • Data Center: Display the data center where the backup storage resides.
    • Addition Method: Display Reuse Host.
    Configuration Information
    • Host: Select an existing host to be used as local backup storage.
    • Backup Storage Path: Enter the mount path on the local backup storage.
      Note: Avoid using system directories such as /, /dev/, /proc/, /sys/, /usr/bin, and /bin. Using system directories might cause hosts unable to work properly.
    • Backup Network: The network dedicated for backups. Enter a backup network CIDR.
    • Backup Data: Choose whether to scan for existing backup data.
  5. Review the configuration and click OK.


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