Backup Plan Management

Enable/Disable Backup Plan

You can temporarily disable a regularly executed backup plan. A disabled backup plan is not deleted. Instead, it will be paused for a period of time and will not run according to the specified backup cycle. The associated protected resources will also stop the scheduled backup until you enable the backup plan again.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, select the backup plan you want to disable or enable, then click Actions > Disable/Enable.

Edit Name and Description

You can modify the name or description of a backup plan at any time.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, select the target backup plan, then click Actions > Edit Name and Description.
  3. In the Edit Name and Description dialog, enter the new name or description, then click OK.

Modify Basic Settings

You can modify the basic configuration of a backup plan or add more virtual machines to the backup plan at any time.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, select the target backup plan, then click Actions > Modify Basic Settings.
  3. In the Modify Basic Settings dialog, modify the basic information, backup storage information, and backup object information as needed.
  4. Review the configuration and click OK.

Modify Backup Policy

You can modify the backup policy of a backup plan at any time, such as the backup policy, retention policy, and advanced settings.

For more information about virtual machine backup policies, see Backup Policy. For more information about platform database backup policies, see Backup Policy.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, select the target backup plan, then click Actions > Modify Backup Policy.
  3. In the Modify Backup Policy dialog, modify the backup policy, retention policy, and advanced settings as needed.
  4. Review the configuration and click OK.

Delete Backup Plan

If you determine that a backup plan is no longer needed, you can delete the backup plan. After deletion, associated resources will no longer perform scheduled backup actions. If you still need to back up specific resources, you can create a new backup plan for them.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, select the target backup plan, then click Actions > Delete.


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