Platform Database Backup

In ZStack ZSphere, the backup service is based on periodic scheduled backups. To perform a backup, you need to configure a backup plan. For more information, see New Backup Plan.

During executions of backup plans, the backup cycle, execution time, start time, and backup data retention policy all depend on the configured backup policy. For more information, see Backup Policy.

After you performed backups, you can use them to restore the platform database. For more information, see Data Recovery.

Backup Policy

Backup Policy

Backup Cycle

The backup cycle determines the frequency of backup execution. ZStack ZSphere provides three options for platform database backups: weekly, daily, and hourly backups.

Execution Time
If the backup cycle is set to weekly or daily, you can set a more granular execution time, down to the minute level.
  • Backup by Week: If you set the execution time to 00:00 on Sunday and Tuesday of each week, the incremental backup is executed at 00:00:00 on Sunday and Tuesday of each week.
  • Backup by Day: If you set the execution time to 00:30, the incremental backup is executed at 00:30:00 every day.
Start Time

The backup plan begins at the start time and executes backups according to the configured backup cycle and execution time.

Retention Policy

Each successful backup generates a set of backup data used to restore the platform database data to a previous point in time. To control the amount of backup data, you must specify a retention policy. Based on the backup scenario, ZStack ZSphere can set separate retention policies for local backup data and remote backup data.
  • Local Retention Policy:
    • Retain by quantity: Retain a minimum of 1 local backup data.
    • Retain by time: Retain a minimum of 1 day of local backup data.
  • Remote Retention Policy:
    • Retain permanently: Remote backup data will not be automatically cleaned up.
    • Retain by quantity: Retain a minimum of 1 remote backup data.
    • Retain by time: Retain a minimum of 1 day of remote backup data.
Note: For data generated beyond the retention policy, only the backup records are deleted, which does not affect the data security.

New Backup Plan


  • Make sure the platform has sufficient authorized backup quota.
  • ZStack ZSphere supports only one platform database backup plan. Make sure that there is no existing platform database backup plan.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Backup Plan.
  2. On the Backup Plan page, click New Backup Plan.
  3. In the New Backup Plan dialog, complete the basic configuration and backup configuration.
  4. For Basic Configuration, set the following parameters:
    Basic Information
    • Name: Name of the backup plan.
    • Description: Description of the backup plan.
    • Data Center: Select a data center.
    Backup Storage
    • Local Backup Storage: Add local backup storage, with a maximum of 2 backup storage allowed for seamless failover.
    • Sync to Remote Backup Storage: Disabled by default. You can choose whether to synchronize local backup data to a remote backup storage.
      Note: If enabled, ensure that remote backup storage has been added in advance on the platform. For more information, see Add Remote Backup Storage.
      • Remote Backup Storage: After enabling synchronization to remote backup storage, it displays the name and available capacity of the remote backup storage.
    Backup Object
    • Backup Object Type: Select Platform Database.
      Note: If a platform database backup plan already exists, the platform database option will not be displayed.
  5. Review the configuration and click Next.
  6. For Backup Configuration, set the following parameters:
    Backup Policy
    • Backup Cycle: Select the backup cycle as needed, including weekly, daily, or hourly backups.
    • Execution Time: After selecting a weekly or daily backup cycle, you need to set the execution time.
    • Start Time: Set a start time for the backup plan.
    For more information about backup policies, see Backup Policy
    Retention Policy
    • Local Retention Policy: Set the local backup retention policy by quantity or time.
    • Remote Retention Policy: After enabling Sync to Remote Backup Storage, this parameter must be set. You can set the remote retention policy as permanently or by quantity or time.
    For more information about retention policies, see Backup Policy.
  7. Review the configuration and click OK.

What to do next

After you performed backups, you can use them to restore the platform database. For more information, see Data Recovery.

View Backup Plan and Data

During executions of backup plans, you can monitor the progress and get real-time updates on the backup activities. For more information, see View Backup Plan Executions.

During executions of backup plans, a series of backup data is generated, and you can view the backup data for protected resources. For more information, see View Platform Database Backup Data.


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