Data Recovery

ZStack ZSphere provides multiple data recovery methods to address various disaster recovery scenarios:
  • You can restore an entire virtual machine from backup data to a specified location. For more information, see Restore Virtual Machine.
  • You can create a new virtual machine directly from the backup data. For more information, see New Virtual Machine from Backup.
  • You can restore the virtualization platform from backup data to a specified location. For more information, see Restore Platform Database.

Restore Virtual Machine

If a virtual machine fails, you can restore the virtual machine from backup data to the latest backup time point or to a previous backup time point.


  • Make sure the virtual machine has at least one successfully generated backup data.
  • To restore a virtual machine, you need to power off the virtual machine.
  • To use remote backup data to restore a virtual machine, you need to synchronize the remote backup data to local backup storage before proceeding with the recovery.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Virtual Machine tab.
  3. Select the backup data of the virtual machine you want to restore, then click Restore.
  4. In the Restore Virtual Machine dialog, you can choose whether to automatically power on after the recovery as needed.
  5. Review the configuration and click OK.
    Note: Restoring a VM overwrites the existing data with the selected backup data. Proceed with caution.

New Virtual Machine from Backup

If a virtual machine fails, you can create a new virtual machine directly from the backup data. This data recovery method is non-destructive and does not overwrite the existing virtual machine. Instead, it creates a new virtual machine based on the backup data.


  • Make sure the virtual machine has at least one successfully generated backup data.
  • Make sure the platform has sufficient compute, storage, and network resources to support the new virtual machine.
  • To use remote backup data to create a new virtual machine, you need to synchronize the remote backup data to local backup storage before proceeding with the creation.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Virtual Machine tab.
  3. Select the backup data of the virtual machine you want to restore, then click New Virtual Machine.
  4. In the New Virtual Machine from Backup dialog, set the following parameters:
    Backup Information
    • Backup Data: Displays the selected backup data.
    Basic Information
    • Name: Name of the virtual machine.
    • Quantity: Default is 1, modification is not supported.
    • Group: Group where the virtual machine resides. If not set, the default group will be used.
    • Location: Host or cluster location where the virtual machine resides.
    • OS: Display the operating system of the virtual machine recorded in the backup data.
    • HA: Automatic restart mechanism after an abnormal shutdown of the virtual machine. For more information, see VM HA.
    • Power Status: Whether to automatically power on the virtual machine after the creation.
    Hardware Information
    • CPU: Support adjusting the total number of cores.
    • Memory: Support adjusting the memory size.
    • Disk: Display the disk configuration recorded in the backup data. Modification is not supported.
    • NIC: Support adjusting port groups, MAC address, IP address, and security groups

      You can add a new NIC to the virtual machine by clicking Add NIC. The new NIC allows customization of the network address and features.

  5. Review the configuration and click OK.

What to do next

Some virtual machine configurations depend on VMTools. After creating the virtual machine, it is recommended to install VMTools to enable certain configurations. For more information about VMTools, see Virtual Machine VMTools.

Restore Platform Database

Restore the virtualization platform from backup data to the state at a specified backup time point.


  • Restoring the platform database requires a management node restart, during which the management interface will be unavailable. This process typically takes several minutes, and your business resources will not be affected.
  • Resources that were deleted after the backup point will become invalid data and cannot be restored to normal during the recovery of the platform database.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Platform Database tab.
  3. Select the storage location of the platform database backup files, such as Local Backup or Remote Backup.
  4. In the platform database backup list, select the backup data you want to restore, then click Actions > Restore.
  5. In the Restore Platform Database dialog, enter the platform database root password.
  6. Review the configuration and click OK.

What to do next

After successfully restored the database, all platform resources will revert to their state at the time of backup creation. Navigate to the Data Protection > Backup Storage page, select the backup storage, and then click Actions > Scan Backup Data to obtain current and accurate backup data information.


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