Backup Data Management

Synchronize Backup Data

You can synchronize one or more local backup data to remote backup storage, or synchronize one or more remote backup data to local backup storage, providing dual protection for your backup data. This section uses virtual machine backup data as an example to introduce how to synchronize local backup data to remote backup storage.

  • The remote backup storage must be added to the platform in advance. For more information, see Add Remote Backup Storage.
  • The selected backup data to be synchronized has not been previously synchronized.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Virtual Machine tab.
  3. Select Local Backup.
  4. Select the virtual machine whose backup data you want to synchronize, then in the right-side Backup Data list, check the backup data you want to synchronize.
  5. Click Bulk Actions > Sync to Remote Backup Storage.
  6. In the Sync to Remote Backup Storage dialog , specify a remote backup storage.
  7. Review the configuration and click OK.

Change the Owner of VM Backup Data

You can change the owner of virtual machine backup data.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Virtual Machine tab.
  3. Select the target virtual machine, then in the right-side Backup Data list, check the backup data for which you want to change the owner.
  4. Click Bulk Actions > Change Owner.
  5. In the Change Owner dialog, specify the new owner.
  6. Review the configuration and click OK.

Export Platform Database Backup Data

You can export the backup data of the platform database to your local environment.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Platform Database tab.
  3. Select the storage location of the platform database backup files, such as Local Backup or Remote Backup.
  4. In the platform database backup list, select the platform database backup you want to export, then click Actions > Export.

Delete Backup Data

After you have determined that the backup data of protected resources is no longer needed, you can delete the backup data. This section uses virtual machine backup data as an example to illustrate how to delete backup data.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Data Protection > Protected Resources.
  2. On the Protected Resources page, select the Virtual Machine tab.
  3. Select the target virtual machine, then in the right-side Backup Data list, check the backup data you want to delete.
  4. Click Bulk Actions > Delete.
  5. In the Delete Backup Data? dialog, you can choose whether to delete remote backup data at the same time.
  6. Review the configuration and click OK.


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