API Call with AccessKey

After you created an AccessKey successfully, a third-party platform can call ZStack Cloud private cloud APIs by using the AccessKey. The methods are as follows:
  • Use SDK:
    Take CreateVmInstance as an example. When you call ZStack Cloud private cloud APIs by using an AccessKey, enter accessKeyId and accessKeySecret. For example,
    • Java SDK
      CreateVmInstanceAction action = new CreateVmInstanceAction(); action.name = "vm1"; action.instanceOfferingUuid = "ae97ced44efc3314b8f7798972b4ba1a"; action.imageUuid = "da119f7906513eccabf271991c35a65e"; action.l3NetworkUuids = asList("cc0e4c5e77df3af68e59668e7f9e06c5"); action.dataDiskOfferingUuids = asList("19d22d051b063d379a2816daaf431838","905d94a6abb5398fa1995f6398e3f6fc"); action.clusterUuid = "a0468dc645223f67bd0f2ab95276bbae"; action.description = "this is a vm"; action.strategy = "InstantStart"; action.accessKeyId = "Fnxc7KIQAdGTvXfx8OjC"; action.accessKeySecret = "Do0AJUGVPrT9iJZlc1QOtk7kzEusYidyqJxSmKOb"; CreateVmInstanceAction.Result res = action.call();
    • Python SDK
      CreateVmInstanceAction action = CreateVmInstanceAction() action.name = "vm1" action.instanceOfferingUuid = "ae97ced44efc3314b8f7798972b4ba1a" action.imageUuid = "da119f7906513eccabf271991c35a65e" action.l3NetworkUuids = [cc0e4c5e77df3af68e59668e7f9e06c5] action.dataDiskOfferingUuids = [19d22d051b063d379a2816daaf431838, 905d94a6abb5398fa1995f6398e3f6fc] action.clusterUuid = "a0468dc645223f67bd0f2ab95276bbae" action.description = "this is a vm" action.strategy = "InstantStart" action.accessKeyId = "Fnxc7KIQAdGTvXfx8OjC" action.accessKeySecret = "Do0AJUGVPrT9iJZlc1QOtk7kzEusYidyqJxSmKOb" CreateVmInstanceAction.Result res = action.call()
  • Call directly ZStack Cloud private cloud RESTful APIs.
    1. Create an AccessKey.
      CreateAccessKey accountUuid=dff4fb9bbff14e97a67ab894c7b8c528 userUuid=dff4fb9bbff14e97a67ab894c7b8c528 { "inventory": { "AccessKeyID": "N3Tf05yXZUmSjCf6mYIB", "AccessKeySecret": "XAlrsYvswmnEV3X1KWNs1WfZHD6aBIIphmI0rX9S", "accountUuid": "dff4fb9bbff14e97a67ab894c7b8c528", "createDate": "Sep 6, 2018 1:50:06 PM", "lastOpDate": "Sep 6, 2018 1:50:06 PM", "userUuid": "dff4fb9bbff14e97a67ab894c7b8c528", "uuid": "ae353717ca7b4182bb87fb5d010235e8" }, "success": true }
    2. Generate date.
      python get_time.py Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:54:10 PRC
      import datetime import time date = time.time() #EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S PRC') print str
      Note: The time format must be EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz.
    3. Generate digest.
      # python get_accesskey.py "vvSZpmj4cnB53qUDmm6E" "8heumeFTvIeZxkTGfEYvVi9qVVPd9ffQNDALSPPb" \ "GET" "Fri, 06 Aug 2021 17:58:34 PRC" "/v1/vm-instances" args: Namespace(acesskey_id='vvSZpmj4cnB53qUDmm6E', acesskey_secret='8heumeFTvIeZxkTGfEYvVi9qVVPd9ffQNDALSPPb', \ date='Fri, 06 Aug 2021 17:58:34 PRC', method='GET', uri='/v1/vm-instances') Signature: hPToRHeHdV49D4u20G8OlE0yJho= Authoration ZStack vvSZpmj4cnB53qUDmm6E:hPToRHeHdV49D4u20G8OlE0yJho=
      #/usr/bin/python import base64 import hmac import sha import argparse from hashlib import sha1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='calculate zstack access key digit.') parser.add_argument('acesskey_id') parser.add_argument('acesskey_secret') parser.add_argument('method') parser.add_argument('date') parser.add_argument('uri') args = parser.parse_args() print "args: %s" % args h = hmac.new(args.acesskey_secret, args.method + "\n" + args.date + "\n" + args.uri, sha1) Signature = base64.b64encode(h.digest()) print "Signature: %s" % Signature print "Authoration %s" % ("ZStack " + args.acesskey_id + ":" + Signature)
    4. Send requests.
      curl -H "Authorization:ZStack vvSZpmj4cnB53qUDmm6E:hPToRHeHdV49D4u20G8OlE0yJho=" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -H "Date:Fri, 06 Aug 2021 17:58:34 PRC" \ -X GET
      Note: API request headers:
      • The value of the Authorization filed must be consistent with the value of the Authorization filed generated in digest. The value of the Authorization field is in the format of "ZStack " + args.acesskey_id + ":" + Signature.
      • The value of the Date field must be consistent with the timestamp generated in digest.


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