ZStack Cloud 4.8.10

On May 24, 2024, ZStack Cloud officially released its new Long Term Support (LTS) version, ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, bringing a number of important features and improvements based on 4.8.0.


  • Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Enhancements : Adopts a new backup chain architecture to achieve better CDP performances and optimize the user experience.
  • API Inspector Enhancements: Provides more comprehensive API information and more convenient search and filtering capabilities.


New Features
  1. API Inspector Enhancements
    1. Displays UI GQL requests, SDK, and request logs.
    2. Allows you to search requests by time consumption and request URL.
    3. Provides actual Response of asynchronous requests.
  2. Allows you to limit the migration rate during VM storage migration.
  1. Storage and Migrations
    • Improves the speed of backup recoveries and VM creations based on Ceph primary storage.
    • Improves the speed of snapshot deletion based on Shared Block storage.
  2. CDP and Backup Service
    • Adopts a new backup chain architecture to improve the CDP performance.
    • Allows you to manually cancel the process of enabling a CDP task.
    • The system no longer generates a full CDP backup after a volume expansion.

API Inspector Enhancements

In previous versions, ZStack Cloud has provided an O&M tool called API Inspector to monitor and display the API information associated with your operations on the Cloud. This tool helps you in troubleshoots and third-party tool debugging, significantly enhancing your O&M efficiency.

ZStack Cloud 4.8.10 makes the following enhancements on API Inspector.

Displays UI GQL Requests, SDK, and Request Logs

In ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, API Inspector provides UI GQL requests information and associations between a UI request and backend requests. By clicking Group by UI Request, you can make all backend requests grouped under the UI requests they are associated with, so as to get a clearer and more readable API view.

Meanwhile, in ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, you can view SDK information and request logs in API Inspector. The logs include zstack-ui-server.log and nginx-access.log that are associated with UI requests and management-server.log that is associated with backend requests. The log details can be presented with line breaks for readability, empowering you with more comprehensive insights into API invocation activities.

Figure 1. Launch API Inspector

Figure 2. Displays UI GQL Requests and Group Information By UI Requests

Figure 3. Click to View Request Log

Figure 4. View Request Log

Allows You to Search Requests by Time Consumption and Request URL

In ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, you can search requests by its time consumption or URL
  • Time Consumption: Enter a duration time in the filter box at the top left corner of the API Inspector panel. The system will then select and display requests whose time consumption exceed this value and requests that have not been finished.
  • Request URL: Enter a keyword in the filter box at the top left corner of the API Inspector panel. The system will then select and display requests whose URLs contain this keyword.
Figure 5. Search by Time Consumption

Figure 6. Search by Request URL

Provides Actual Response of Asynchronous Requests.

In ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, API Inspector uses Webhook to push actual response of asynchronous requests, making you know the task results in a more intuitive and correct way. If a word Webhook is displayed before an API item, this means that this API is waiting the Webhook to push its actual response.

Allows you to Limit the Migration Rate during VM Storage Migration

In ZStack Cloud 4.8.10, when you perform a Change Primary Storage or Change Host and Primary Storage operation on VM instances, you can now specify the Total Migration Rate. The system limits the maximum I/O read rate of the VM instance and its attached volumes in the source primary storage. In this way, you can proactively manage and control the migration process, reducing I/O contention due to large-scale data migration and lowering the impact on business.

Figure 1. Set Limit on VM Storage Migration Rate


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