IPsec VPN Practice

ZStack Cloud allows you to create an IPsec VPN to enable the intercommunication between the VPC networks in the local data center and on Alibaba Cloud.

To create an IPsec tunnel, follow these steps:
  1. In ZStack Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, create the following resources in order: a region, a zone, a VPC, and a vSwitch associated with the VPC.
  2. Use a VPC network to create a Private Cloud VM instance.
  3. Create an ECS instance.
  4. Create a VPN connection.
  5. Check whether the Private Cloud VM instance can ping the ECS instance. If so, the IPsec tunnel is created successfully.
Figure 1. IPsec VPN Network Architecture

  • Initialize ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud, adding basic resources like zones, clusters, hosts, backup storage, and primary storage.
  • Purchase a VPN gateway on Alibaba Cloud Console.
Assume that your environment is as follow:
  1. Local Public Network
    Table 1. Local Public Network Configurations
    Public Network Configuration
    NIC eth0
  2. Management Network
    Table 2. Management Network Configurations
    Management Network Configuration
    NIC eth1
    IP Address
  3. VPC Network
    Table 3. VPC Network Configurations
    VPC Network Configuration
    NIC eth0
    VLAN ID 1982
  4. Alibaba Cloud VPN customer gateway IP:
  5. Alibaba Cloud VPN gateway IP:
  6. The CIDR of the vSwitch associated with the VPN gateway:

The procedures are described in details as follows:

  1. In ZStack Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, create the following resources in order: a region, a zone, a VPC, and a vSwitch associated with the VPC.
  2. In ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud, create a VPC network and use the VPC network to create a VM instance on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  3. Create an ECS instance.
  4. Create a VPN connection.
    1. Use Quick Start Wizard to create a VPN connection.

      On the main menu of Hybrid Cloud Management, choose Quick Start > Quick Start Wizard. On the Quick Start Wizard page, click Establish VPN Connection.

    2. Select an Alibaba Cloud network.
      On the displayed Select Alibaba Cloud Network page, set the following parameters:
      • VPN Gateway (Alibaba Cloud): Select a purchased Alibaba Cloud VPN gateway.
        Note: If no VPN gateway is available in the selected region, you need to purchase one on Alibaba Cloud Console.
      Figure 2. Select an Alibaba Cloud Network

    3. Finish connection configurations.
      On the Connection Configuration page, set the following parameters:
      • Name: Enter a name for the VPN connection.
      • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the VPN connection.
      • IKE Preshared Key: We recommend that you set a strong key.
      • VPC vRouter (ZStack): Select a VPC vRouter for the VPN connection.
      • Public Network (ZStack): Select the public network the VPC vRouter attached to.
      • NAT Device: Choose whether an NAT device is used in your local network environment.
        • If an NAT device is used, set the following parameters:
          • Pre-NAT IP: A public network IP to create the IPsec tunnel. Enter an IP address that can be used to access the public network.
          • Post-NAT IP: The IP address of the VPN customer gateway used to create the IPsec tunnel. Enter an IP address that is transformed from the source IP address (Pre-NAT IP) and can access the Internet directly.
          Note: Make sure that the post-NAT IP is the definite transformation result of the pre-NAT IP (source IP address) in you local network environment.
        • If no NAT device is used, set the following parameters:
          • IP Address: Optional. An available public network IP for the IPsec tunnel. Enter an IP address of the public Internet. If you do not set it, the system allocates an available public network IP randomly to create the IPsec tunnel.
      • Private Network (ZStack): Select L3 networks attached to the VPC vRouter. You can select up to 3 L3 networks.
      • Advanced: We recommend that you do not modify the advanced parameters for the default values can ensure the IPsec connectivity.
        • SA Lifetime: 86400 (Default). Unit: second.
        • IPsec Encoding Algorithm: 3des (Default).
        • IPsec Authentication Algorithm:sha1 (Default).
        • IPsec DH Group: group2 (Default).
        • IKE Version: ikev1 (Default).
        • IKE Negotiation Mode: main (Default).
        • IKE Encoding Algorithm: 3des (Default).
        • IKE Authentication Algorithm: sha1 (Default).
        • IKE DH Group: group2 (Default).
      Figure 3. Connection Configuration

    4. Click OK to create the IPsec VPN connection. During the creation, the system automatically finishes the following operations:
      1. Chooses a VIP in the public network corresponding to the local VPC vRouter.
      2. Uses this VIP to create a VPN customer gateway on Alibaba Cloud.
      3. Creates a VPN connection on Alibaba Cloud.
      4. Configures routes for the VPC virtual router on Alibaba Cloud. The destination CIDR is the CIDR of the VPC network the local VPC vRouter attached to. The next hop is the VPN gateway.
      5. Creates an IPsec connection on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  5. Check whether the local VM instance can ping the Alibaba Cloud ECS instance.

    On the main menu of Hybrid Cloud Management, choose VPN > VPN Connection. On the VPN Connection page, if the status of the VPN connection is Phase 2 negotiations succeeded, the IPsec VPN creation is finished. Then, you need to use the local VM instance to ping the ECS instance to check whether the creation is successful.

    1. Log in to the local VM instance and ping the ECS instance.
      Figure 4. Local VM Instance ping ECS Instance

    2. Log in to the ECS instance and ping the local VM instance.
      Figure 5. ECS Instance ping Local VM Instance

    If the VPN connection is not created successfully, or the local VM instance and the ECS instance cannot ping each other, check the following points before you reconfigure the VPN connection:
    • Check whether the local VIP used to create the IPsec connection is occupied. If it is occupied, delete this VIP.
    • Check whether the Alibaba Cloud VPN connection exists. If so, delete the VPN connection both from local and from Alibaba Cloud.
    • Check whether the Alibaba Cloud VPN customer gateway is allocated with a duplicated IP address. If so, delete the IP address both from local and from Alibaba Cloud.
    • Check whether the Alibaba Cloud VPC virtual router is configured with a route rule corresponding to the VPC network of ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud. If so, delete the route rule.

Now, you has established an IPsec VPN and enabled the intercommunication between the ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud VM instance and the Alibaba Cloud ECS instance.

Express Connect Practice

ZStack Cloud allows you to create an Alibaba Cloud express connect to enable the intercommunication between the VPC networks in local data center and on Alibaba Cloud.

To create an Alibaba Cloud express, following these steps:
  1. Prepare a physical circuit, a virtual border router, and router interfaces provided by an operator.
  2. Plan network CIDRs, including a public network CIDR, a management network CIDR, a physical circuit network CIDR, and a VPC network CIDR. The public network CIDR and the management network CIDR can be the same one.
  3. Use the local VPC network to create a VM instance on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  4. Attach the physical circuit network to a VPC vRouter.
  5. Prepare a VPC environment on Alibaba Cloud. Use the vSwitch associated with the Alibaba Cloud VPC to create an ECS instance.
  6. In ZStack Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, add an AccessKey, regions, and zones, and synchronize corresponding resources.
  7. Use Quick Start Wizard to create an Alibaba Cloud express connect.
  8. Configure route rules for both Alibaba Cloud VPC virtual router and local VPC vRouter on the CPE device.
  9. Check whether the local VM instance and the Alibaba Cloud ECS instance can ping each other. If so, the express connect is created successfully.
Express connect logic: Use a physical circuit to connect the local data center and the access point of Alibaba Cloud, thus realizing the intercommunication between the local VPC network and Alibaba Cloud VPC.
Note: The CIDRs from the local VPC vRouter to Alibaba Cloud VPC, which use the express connect to realize the intercommunication, cannot overlap with each other.
Figure 1. Express Connect Network Architecture

Assume that your environment is as follow:
  1. Public Network
    Table 1. Public Network Configurations
    Public Network Configuration
    NIC em01
    IP Range
    Note Private Cloud VM instance can use this network to access the Internet.
  2. Physical Circuit Network
    Table 2. Physical Circuit Network Configurations
    Physical Circuit Network Configuration
    NIC em02
    IP Range
    Note A new network. Private Cloud VM instances use this network to access Alibaba Cloud ECS instances.
  3. Private Network
    Table 3. Private Network Configurations
    VPC Configuration
    NIC em01
    VLAN ID 2984
  4. The local IP address of the CPE device is
  5. The local IP address of the virtual border router is The Alibaba Cloud IP address of the virtual border router is
  6. The CIDR of Alibaba Cloud VPC is
Follow these steps to configure routes
  1. Make local VM instance access Alibaba Cloud ECS instance.
    1. Configure the VPC route: On the VPC vRouter, set the route destination address as the ECS VPC CIDR, Set the next hop as the IP address of the client CPE device,
    2. Configure the CPE device custom route: On the CPE device, set the destination address as the ECS VPC CIDR, Set the next hop as the address of the physical circuit.
    3. Configure VRB custom route 2: On the VRB, set the destination address as the ECS VPC CIDR, Set the next hop as VRB interface2, which is the VRB interface on Alibaba Cloud.
    4. The Alibaba Cloud virtual router forwards the routes it receives to the ECS instance.
    Figure 2. Route Configurations Enabling Local VM Instance to Ping Alibaba Cloud ECS Instance

  2. Make Alibaba Cloud ECS instance access local VM instance.
    1. Configure the VPC custom route1: On the VPC virtual router on Alibaba Cloud, set the destination address as the CIDR of the ZStack Cloud VPC network, Set the next hop as the VPC virtual router interface1.
    2. Configure the VBR custom route1: On the VBR, set the destination address as the CIDR of the ZStack Cloud VPC network, Set the next hop as the VBR interface1, which is the VBR interface on ZStack Cloud.
    3. Configure the CPE custom route1: On the CPE device, set the destination address as the CIDR of the ZStack Cloud VPC network, Set the next hop as the physical circuit IP address of the VPC vRouter,
    4. The VPC vRouter forwards the routes it receives to the VM instance on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
    Figure 3. Route Configurations Enabling Alibaba Cloud ECS Instance Ping Local VM Instance

  1. When you create an express connect, the following 4 routes are automatically configured by ZStack Cloud:
    • VPC Custom Route2 (Configured with Alibaba Cloud APIs)
    • VBR Custom Route1 (Configured with Alibaba Cloud APIs)
    • VBR Custom Route2 (Configured with Alibaba Cloud APIs)
    • VPC Custom Route1 (Configured with local APIs)
  2. The following two routes on the CPE device need to be created manually:
    • CPE Custom Route1
    • CPE Custom Route2
The procedures are described in details as follows:
  • This practice uses a same CIDR for both the public network and the management network.
  • This practice enables VM instances on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud access both the Internet and Alibaba Cloud ECS instances.
  1. Create an L2 public network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  2. Create an L3 public network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  3. Create an L2 physical circuit network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  4. Create an L3 physical circuit network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  5. Create an L2 VPC network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  6. Create an L3 VPC network on ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud.
  7. Use the VPC network to create a Private Cloud VM instance.
  8. Attach the physical circuit network to the VPC vRouter.
  9. Prepare the VPC environment on Alibaba Cloud, and use the vSwitch associated with the Alibaba Cloud VPC to create an ECS instance.
  10. In ZStack Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, add an AccessKey, regions, and zones. Then, synchronize corresponding resources.
  11. Use Quick Start Wizard to create an Alibaba Cloud express connect.
    1. On the Quick Start Wizard, click Create Alibaba Cloud Express Connect.
    2. Configure ZStack Cloud network.
      Set the following parameters:
      • VPC vRouter: Select a local VPC vRouter.
      • Public Network: Select a dedicated network to connect local and the VBR interface.
      • VPC Network: Select a local VPC network.
    3. Configure Alibaba Cloud Network
      Set the following parameters:
      • VPC: Select a VPC.
      • VBR: Select a VBR. A VBR is created and configured with routes by an ISP.
      • CPE IP (ISP): The IP address of the client device provides by an ISP for the physical circuit to access the local environment.
  12. Manually configure 2 routes on the CPE device.
    • Configure CPE custom route1: Set the destination address as the CIDR of ZStack Cloud VPC network. Set the next hop as the physical circuit IP of the VPC vRouter.
    • Configure CPE custom route2: Set the destination address as the ECS VPC CIDR. Set the next hop as the physical circuit address.
  13. Check whether the local VM instance and the ECS instance can ping each other.
    1. Log in to the local VM instance and ping the ECS instance.
      Figure 4. Local VM Instance ping ECS Instance

    2. Log in to the ECS instance and ping the local VM instance.
      Figure 5. ECS Instance ping Local VM Instance

Now, you create an express connect successfully and can use it to enable the intercommunication between ZStack CloudPrivate Cloud VM instances and Alibaba Cloud ECS instances.

Hybrid Cloud Backup Practice

ZStack Cloud provides local backup, remote backup, and Public Cloud backup services in a separate module. You can choose a backup solution according to your business requirements.

For more information about backup services, see Backup Service Tutorial.


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