
QoS resolves problems like network latencies and blocking by defining I/O bandwidth thresholds. It ensures a high running efficiency for a overloaded or congested network without delaying or discarding any business.


  • QoS defines I/O bandwidth thresholds to limit disk bandwidths and network upstream/downstream bandwidths. I/O bandwidth cannot exceed this threshold. Unit: MB/s、GB/s、TB/s.
  • If you do not set a QoS, the I/O bandwidth is not limited.


  • If you do not set a QoS for an instance/disk offering as an admin (the QoS is not set by default), the QoS you can set for a VM or volume as a normal account/project manager/project admin/ project member is not limited.
  • If you set a QoS for an instance/disk offering as an admin, the QoS you can set for a VM or volume as a normal account/project manager/project admin cannot exceed the QoS of the instance/disk offering.
  • If you set a QoS for an instance/disk offering and use the offering to create a VM instance or volume, the VM/volume QoS is consistent with the offering QoS by default. The deletion of the offering or modifications on the offering QoS does not influence the QoS of the VM/volume you have created before.
  • If you cancel or modify a QoS as an admin, the QoS range that a normal account/project admin/project manager/project member can set is limited by the original QoS value.
  • If you change an instance offering for a VM instance, the VM root volume QoS and NIC QoS is limited by the QoS of this new instance offering.


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