Upgrade Virtualization Tools

Different ZStack Cloud version may use different virtualization tools. After the cloud platform upgrading, the virtualization tools ( QEMU & Libvirt) are not updated automatically. To ensure the proper use of the latest features and security patches, you can upgrade virtualization tools manually after you upgrade the cloud platform.
  1. Update the local repo of the management node(s).
    Make sure that you have update the local repo of the management node(s) with the new ISO. If not, run the following command on the management node(s). If you deploy dual management nodes, run the command on the two management nodes respectively:
    [root@localhost ~]# zstack-upgrade -r ZStack-Cloud-x86_64-DVD-5.3.0-h84r.iso
  2. Back up the database of the management node(s).
    Make sure that you have backed up the database of the management node(s). If not, run the following command on the management node(s) to backup the database to /var/lib/zstack/mysql-backup/lib/zstack/mysql-backup/. If you deploy dual managemnt nodes, run the command on the two management nodes respectively:
    [root@localhost ~]# zstack-ctl dump_mysql --file-name zstack-db-backup
  3. Check ZStack Cloud services and hardware connectivity.
    Make sure that the ZStack Cloud service is normal and all hardware devices are connected well.
  4. Disable the VM high availability globally.
    Log in to the ZStack Cloud UI. On the main menu, choose Setting > Platform Setting > HA Policy. On the HA Policy page, click the Disable button on the upper right corner.
  5. Enable the global setting zstack.experimental.repo.
    Run the following commands on the management node to enable the global setting zstack.experimental.repo. If you deploy dual management nodes, run on the management node that corresponds to the VIP:
    [root@localhost ~]# zstack-cli # Lanuch the CLI command tool - >>>  LogInByAccount accountName=admin password=${Password} # Log in the admin account. admin >>> UpdateGlobalConfig category=cluster name=zstack.experimental.repo value=true # Enable the global setting zstack.experimental.repo.
    Note: If you deploy dual management nodes, you can run zsha2 status on either of the management nodes. The management node whose VIP value is yes is the management node you need.
  6. Upgrade host QEMU.
    Run the following CLI commands on the management node to upgrade host QEMU:
    admin >>> QueryCluster    //Query UUIDs of clusters. admin >>> UpdateClusterOS updatePackages=qemu-kvm excludePackages=python2-crypto uuid=${ClusterUuid}    //Upgrade QEMU of hosts in the specified cluster. Record the uuid (LongJobUuid) returned. admin >>> QueryLongJob uuid=${LongJobUuid}    //Query the upgrading progress. If the returned state value is Succeeded, the upgrading is completed.
    Note: If you deploy more than one cluster, you can upgrade the QEMU of host in different clusters sequentially.
  7. Upgrade host Libvirt.
    Run the following CLI commands on the management node to upgrade host Libvirt:
    admin >>> QueryCluster    //Query UUIDs of clusters. admin >>> UpdateClusterOS updatePackages=glib2 uuid=${ClusterUuid} admin >>> UpdateClusterOS updatePackages=libvirt excludePackages=python2-crypto uuid=${ClusterUuid}    //Upgrade Libvirt of hosts in the specified cluster. Record the uuid (LongJobUuid) returned. admin >>> QueryLongJob uuid=${LongJobUuid}    //Query the upgrading progress. If the returned state value is Succeeded, the upgrading is completed.
    Note: If you deploy more than one cluster, you can upgrade the Libvirt of host in different clusters sequentially.
  8. Check the QEMU and Libvirt version after the upgrading.
    Run the following command on the hosts to check whether the QEMU and Libvirt are upgraded to the target version:
    [root@localhost ~]# qemu-img -V    //Check the QEMU version. [root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep libvirt    //Check the Libvirt version.
  9. Disable the global setting zstack.experimental.repo.
    After the upgrading, run the following CLI command on the management node to disable the global setting zstack.experimental.repo:
    admin >>> UpdateGlobalConfig category=cluster name=zstack.experimental.repo value=false
  10. Reboot/migrate VM instances, VPC vRouters, and LB instances.
    Log in to the ZStack Cloud UI, reboot or migrate VM instances, VPC vRouters, and LB instances on the hosts whose QEMU is upgraded, making the QEMU version of VM instances, VPC vRouters, and LB instances consistent with the QEMU version of the hosts they are residing on.
  11. Enable the VM high availability globally.
    On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Setting > Platform Setting > HA Policy. On the HA Policy page, click the Enable button on the upper right corner.
Now, you have completed the virtualization tool (QEMU & Libvirt) upgrading.


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