vCenter VM Instance

Create a vCenter VM Instance

After you add a vCenter, the vCenter VM instances are automatically synchronized to ZStack Cloud. You can also create vCenter VM instances on local.

To create vCenter VM instances, you need to set up a vCenter network (public network, flat network, or VPC network) on ZStack Cloud in advance. For detailed method, see Create a vCenter Network.

The following describes how to create a vCenter VM instance on ZStack Cloud.

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > vCenter > VM Instance. On the VM Instance page, click Create VM Instance. Then, the Create VM Instance page is displayed.

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the vCenter VM instance.
    Note: The vCenter VM instance name cannot be identical with the vCenter image name.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the vCenter VM instance.
  • Quantity: Select the number of the vCenter VM instances you want to create. You can create vCenter VM instances in bulk.
    Note: Please enter an integer here.
  • Group: Optional. Choose a group for the vCenter VM instance. If you do not set this parameter, the vCenter VM instance goes to the default group.
    Note: Sync Data does not synchronize group information in a vCenter.
  • Instance Offering: Select an instance offering for the vCenter VM instance.
  • Image: Select an image to create the vCenter VM instance.
  • Network Configuration: Select a vCenter public network, flat network, or VPC network that you created before.
    • Make Default: Optional. You can make the network you selected as the default network.
    • Assign IP: Optional. You can assign an IP address on the network you selected for the vCenter VM instance.
    • MAC Address: Optional. You can assign a MAC address on the network you selected for the vCenter VM instance.

    You can click Add Network Configuration to configure another network.

  • Advanced:
    • Disk Offering: Optional. You can select a disk offering to create a volume and attach it to the vCenter VM instance.
    • Cluster: Optional. You can specify a cluster to use the hosts in it to start the vCenter VM instance.
    • Primary Storage: Optional. You can specify a primary storage for the vCenter VM instance.
    • Host: You can specify a host to start the vCenter VM instance.
Figure 1. Create a vCenter VM Instance on ZStack Cloud

Manage a vCenter VM Instance

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > vCenter > VM Instance. Then, the VM Instance page is displayed.

The following table lists the actions that you can perform on a vCenter VM instance.
Action Description
Create vCenter VM Instance Create a vCenter VM instance on ZStack Cloud.
Edit vCenter VM Instance Edit the name and the description of a vCenter VM instance.
Change Group Change the VM group a vCenter VM instance affiliated to.
Start vCenter VM Instance Start a stopped vCenter VM instance.
Stop vCenter VM Instance Stop a running vCenter VM instance.
Note: If the VM instance has HA enabled, you can make the VM instance not automatically reboot this time after being stopped.
Reboot vCenter VM Instance Reboot a running vCenter VM instance.
Resume vCenter VM Instance Resume a paused vCenter VM instance.
Pause vCenter VM Instance Pause a running vCenter VM instance.
Note: Pausing the vCenter VM instance does not equal to stopping the VM instance. Stopping a paused VM instance may influence the operation of the business.
Power Off vCenter VM Instance Force a running vCenter VM instance into the stopped state.
Note: We recommend that you do not power off a VM instance in general scenarios.
Launch Console You can enter the operating system of a vCenter VM instance by launching its console.
  • This operation applies to the VM instances managed from vCenters of 7.0 or later versions. If you cannot launch the console, please log in to the vCenter and download the trusted root CA certificate on the login page.
  • This operation does not apply to the VM instances managed from vCenters of versions earlier than 7.0. You cannot directly launch the console of a VM instance unless it meets one of the following requirements:
    • It is a vCenter VM instance created on ZStack Cloud.
    • It is a vCenter VM instance rebooted on ZStack Cloud.
    • It is a vCenter VM instance that is migrated on ZStack Cloud and resides on a shared storage.
Clone vCenter VM Instance Clone a VM instance that has the identical system with an existing vCenter VM instance according to its instance offering.
  • You can clone a vCenter VM instance either online or offline.
  • You can clone a vCenter VM instance with attached volumes.
  • You can clone a VM instance from the vCenter VM instance. (You cannot clone the vCenter VM instance as a template currently.)
Migrate vCenter VM Instance Migrate a vCenter VM instance to another compute node.
  • Only hot migration is supported.
  • You can hot migrate a vCenter VM instance on a shared storage with attached volumes.
  • You cannot migrate a vCenter VM instance on a local storage.
  • The migration speed is affected by the network configurations of the two vCenter VM instances. A low network configuration may result in a slow migration speed.
  • Make sure that you have enabled vMotion before you perform the migration.
    • For vCenters of version 5.5, you need to configure a dedicated VMKernel network and enable vMotion. In addition, make sure that IP addresses of the vMotion sub-interface of source VMkernel and destination VMkernel can intercommunicate with each other.
    • For vCenters of 6.0 or later versions, you just need to enable vMotion in the management network.
Modify Instance Offering You can modify the CPU/memory of a vCenter VM instance offline.
Change Owner Change the owner of a vCenter VM instance.
Note: ZStack Cloud supports multi-account management for the managed vCenters. Normal accounts and project members can perform actions on vCenter VM instances.
Set VM HA Set an HA level for a vCenter VM instance.

When a VM instance is shut down due to planned maintenance or exceptions, the VM HA policy can trigger an automatic VM reboot to improve the VM availability.

  • If hosts are running properly, VM instances with HA enabled can reboot automatically in case of an abnormal shutdown.
  • If hosts are abnormal or enter the maintenance mode, VM instances on LocalStorage primary storage and with HA enabled can reboot automatically in case of an abnormal shutdown.
  • You can set whether to enable HA for all VM instances in the Cloud by setting VM HA in Global setting. Default: true. If you set it to false, the high availability feature is disabled globally.
  • If in a remote vCenter environment, the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) service is enabled to provide HA for vCenter VM instances, the HA setting on ZStack Cloud does not take effect on these VM instances.
Set Console Password Set the console password for a vCenter VM instance.
  • This password is the VNC protocol password, not the password of the vCenter VM instance.
  • The setting takes effect after you reboot the VM instance.
Attach Volume Attach an available volume to a vCenter VM instance.
Detach Volume Detach a volume that you attached before from a vCenter VM instance.
Delete vCenter VM Instance Deleting a vCenter VM instance and its local records. In addition, the actual VM instances on the remote vCenter is stopped.
Recover vCenter VM Instance Recover a deleted vCenter VM instance.
Note: The recovered VM instance goes to the VM group it affiliated to before it was deleted. If the original group has been deleted, the VM instance goes to the default group.
Expunge vCenter VM instance Expunge a deleted vCenter VM instance. This action expunges the local records and the actual VM instance on the remote vCenter.


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